1. Tablet
Tablet is a lightweight, high-performance graphical viewer for next generation sequence assemblies and alignments. Tablet is a lightweight, high-performance graphical viewer for next generation sequence assemblies and alignments. Tablet is a lightweight, high-performance graphical...
标签:Genomics, Genotyping,Comparative genomics
2. CloudBurst
CloudBurst is a parallel read-mapping algorithm optimized for mapping next-generation sequence data to the human genome and other reference genomes.
标签:SNP discovery, Genotyping,Personal genomics
3. CNVnator
CNV discovery and genotyping from read-depth analysis of personal genome sequencing
标签:Copy number estimation,Genotyping
SNP discovery and genotyping from low-coverage sequencing data
标签:SNP discovery, Genotyping
5. CopySeq
CopySeq analyzes the depth-of-coverage of whole genome resequencing data to predict CNVs and to infer quantitative locus copy-number genotypes.
标签:Structural variation, Copy number estimation, Genotyping,Personal genomics
6. Bis-SNP
BisSNP is a package based on the Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK) map-reduce framework for genotyping in bisulfite treated massively parallel sequencing (Bisulfite-seq, NOMe-seq and RRBS) on Illumina platform. It uses bayesian inference with either manually specified or automatically esti...
标签:SNP discovery, Genotyping, DNA methylation, Bisulfite Sequencing
Gnotyping of multiplexed individuals for several markers based on NGS amplicon sequencing.
标签:Genotyping, Targeted resequencing
8. Mlgt
Processing and analysis of high throughput, long-read (e.g. Roche 454) sequences generated from multiple loci and multiple biological samples. Sequences are assigned to their locus and sample of origin, aligned and trimmed. Where possible, genotypes are called and variants mapped to kno...
标签:Genotyping, Targeted resequencing, Resequencing
9. DiscoSnp
discoSnps : qualitative de-novo SNP caller. Extremely low memory and time efficient. No reference genome needed. Call both homozygous and heterozygous SNPs.
标签:Population Genomics,Comparative genomics,Barcoding, DNA-Seq, De novo assembly, Genotyping, High-throughput sequencing